For Strategies to help market your business online with confidence


With a decade of marketing, branding and business experience, I'll provide you with expert advice and strategies to increase your visibility and move your business forward - Just imagine the possibilities!

a 1:2:1 brand VISIBILITY strategy is for you if:

✔️ You understand how essential being visible online is.

✔️ You're overwhelmed and you're struggling to know where to start.

✔️ You would like to grow your business and attract your dream clients.

✔️ You’re a startup and have little or no presence online.

✔️ You want to build an authentic brand but don’t know how to communicate this.

✔️ You need direction for marketing your business online.

By enhancing your visibility, we'll help market your business with ease and confidence, and most importantly build trust and credibility with your audience.

Recent clients include

What's included in the 1:2:1 brand visibility

  • A brand questionnaire before the session.
  • A 2 hour Brand Visibility strategy online or in person.
  • Clarity on your brand and visual identity.
  • An audit of your website, social media channels, content and email marketing.
  • A dive into online collaborations.
  • Analytic report for your social media metrics and website traffic.
  • Tools to consistently be visible online without reaching burnout.
  • Continued support via WhatsApp for two weeks after the strategy session.

Investment £325

"Booking Rhiannon was the best decision for my business & personal growth. her expertise covers everything making her the go-to person for visibility & digital marketing strategies. The investment is undoubtedly the best money I've ever spent."


I'm Rhiannon!

Photographer, mentor & visual strategist

• I started blogging about fashion and lifestyle back in 2012 which naturally evolved into the world 'influencing' and International TV presenting on QVC.

• My social media grew to over 50,000 followers, and what was a hobby transitioned into a fully-fledged brand of its own.

• I became an expert at marketing with a love for helping entrepreneurs build profitable, sustainable businesses with authenticity and fun!

Learn More

"Rhi has supported me in business since 2017. without her professionalism and attention to detail we wouldn’t have been so successful. Thank you for your continued guidance."

-Reg @ Guildhall Tavern


How do I book a Brand Visibility session?

Simply fill in the form below or head to my contact page so we can arrange a discovery call. Following our conversation, if you'd like to go ahead and book, I'll send you a Brand Questionnaire which you will need to complete before our strategy call.

When can we schedule the session?

During our discovery call, I will let you know my availability. I usually schedule the session a week after I've sent you the Brand Questionnaire. This will allow you time to think about your answers so we can make the most out of your Brand Visibility strategy.

How is the strategy delivered?

We can do this in person at my office in Bournemouth, or we can schedule the strategy call online via Zoom.

Can I book ongoing strategy sessions?

Yes, absolutely! I also offer social media training, content creation and a brand visibility subscription. We can discuss these options following our Brand Visibility strategy session.



📍 South Coast, UK.

Available Worldwide.



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mY Clients believe in making businesses more profitable, sustainable, authentic & fun